When firewood is burned, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, and studies have found that using wood to cook not only harms the environment but can also cause illness.
According to research, people who cook with firewood have 9.4% less lung capacity than those who cook with cleaner fuels. This impact is greater for women and children than for men.
A third of the world’s population, or about 2.3 billion people, cook over open fires or inefficient stoves powered by kerosene, biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste), and coal. This leads to dangerous air pollution in homes, which the World Health Organisation estimates will cause 3.2 million deaths annually in 2020, including over 237,000 deaths of children under the age of five.
For Emmanuel, who suffers from hepatitis and experiences frequent bouts of catarrh whenever she uses wood or tyres, cooking has not always been an easy task. “We do not apply anything to ourselves; the smoke produces catarrh. “Runny nose, itchy eyes, and sometimes I fall ill of malaria, she told The Colonist Report Africa.
“As a hepatitis patient, I just treat myself; I take drips, and sometimes I get rip pain.’’
Another resident, Sara Chukwu, usually had reddish eyes following exposure to the smoke generated when cooking with wood. ‘’sometimes my eyes do hurt me when I get in the smoke, it causes my eye to pain.’’
Unlike other locals who use wood to process their palm oil and suffer the consequences, Iwuoha claims that in his fifteen years in the palm oil industry, he has never had a negative outcome from cooking palm fruits for his customers with wood. Drinking a tin of evaporated milk every day, he claims, keeps him from getting sick.
Iwuoha said: “The smoke is not a dangerous one; it is pure smoke. It is already known to everybody in this area that, after milling, you can take a tin of milk.
Editing by Elfredah Kevin-Alerechi and Woke Kevin